Guinea Pig Facts
I love finding out unusual facts about pets. In this blog post I've collected some interesting facts about guinea pigs, some of which might surprise you!
It's illegal to own one guinea pig in Switzerland
Guinea pigs are social creatures and in order to be happy they need interaction with their own species. Switzerland have made it illegal to own just one guinea pig and considers it to be animal abuse.
Guinea pigs have a wide field of vision
Guinea pigs have excellent peripheral vision, with a range of almost 340 degrees! Their eyes on the side of their head helps them spot predators from a wide angle.
Guinea pigs are very vocal
Guinea pigs communicate through a variety of sounds including squealing, purring, whistling and chirping. Each sound has a different meaning, expressing their emotions, needs and give warnings.
Guinea pigs are herbivores
Guinea pigs are herbivores which means their diet is all plant based. Guinea pigs diet should mainly consist of hay with some fruit and vegetables and a small amount of pellets. It's important they get enough vitamin C as like us humans they can't produce it naturally themselves.
Guinea pigs live around 4-8 years
Unlike other small rodents who have a much shorter lifespan, guinea pigs live an average of 4-8 years. The oldest guinea pig on record lived to almost 15 years!
Guinea pigs have fourteen toes
Guinea pigs have a total of fourteen toes/claws - four on each of their front feet, and three on each of their back feet.
Guinea pigs cannot vomit
Guinea pigs have a unique digestive system and while they can feel nausea, like horses, rats and rabbits they are unable to be sick. Along with not having a gag reflex, guinea pigs stomach muscles are quite weak and so lack the strength to create the force necessary for vomiting.